Livestreamed Services

Livestreamed Services

The Choir’s services are livestreamed on our YouTube Channel. You can tune in at 6.15 pm on Sundays, and 6.30 pm on Wednesdays, and Fridays in Full Term.

Welcome from the Director of Music

I am delighted to welcome you to our livestreamed services on the choir’s YouTube channel. For those who are unable to join us in person, or for others who would like a reminder of a special day spent in Oxford, these live recordings will allow you to experience Evensong at The Queen’s College from anywhere in the world. The College is very proud of its choir, and we are pleased to share our music making with you.

- Prof. Owen Rees College Organist (Director of Music)


Welcome from the Chaplain

Hello and welcome to the (virtual) chapel of The Queen’s College. People have gathered for worship within this chapel for centuries, and it’s a joy to be able to extend this community to people joining from all over the world via this livestream. Choral Evensong is a traditional Anglican service which has its roots in the monastic practices of the early church – you will hear readings from scripture, sung psalms and canticles, and also an anthem sung by the choir. On Sundays there is a sermon. If you would like any prayers to be added to our prayer board then please let us know, and if you are ever in Oxford, you are most welcome to join us in person.

With every blessing,


- The Revd Alice Watson